In honor of our grandmothers of Uganda who persevere to provide for their families and better their communities.
Grandmothers in colorful dresses
Grandmothers sharing gifts
Kabimbiri Grandmothers Association
Grandmothers opening gifts
Grandmothers after a harvest of bananas
Noelina gardening
Mariamu tending to goats
Grandmother with her cow
Grandmother in the garden
Jane weaving
Cotilda checking corn
Christine showing her garden
Our Mission
Grandmothers Beyond Borders helps to lift the burden of HIV/AIDS in Uganda, Africa by funding grass roots community based projects that provide support and care to grandmothers raising their grandchildren because their own children have died from AIDS.
“How will we ever explain what we have wrought? What a universe this is. We came out of the Holocaust asking ourselves how we could ever live with the recognition that much of the world knew what was in those trains rumbling down the tracks to Auschwitz. We came out of Rwanda asking ourselves how it was possible that the world was inert in the face of a hideous genocide that everyone knew was taking place. It is my contention that years from now, historians will ask how it was possible that the world allowed AIDS to throttle and eviscerate a continent, and overwhelmingly the women of that continent, and watch the tragedy unfold, in real time, while we toyed with the game of reform.”-Stephen Lewis
Co-Director, AIDS-Free World
Donations Are Welcome
Grandmothers Beyond Borders is a 501 C3 non-profit. All donations are tax deductible.
In honor of our grandmothers of Uganda who persevere to provide for their families and better their communities.
Our Mission
Co-Director, AIDS-Free World
Donations Are Welcome
Grandmothers Beyond Borders is a 501 C3 non-profit. All donations are tax deductible.
DonateThe Grandmothers
Grace, Pascalina, Robinah